Employment Advice and Company Search
Our Promise
- Our company search and employment advice service will help you find potential employers locally or anywhere in the world
- We’ll support your job search with essential business information from Companies House or business directories
- We can undertake a people search, or search for business names, company names, financial statements, annual reports and the latest business news
- Accurate business information will increase your ability to make decisions and learn more about potential employers
- It will also demonstrate that you have researched key business information to show your thoroughness and commitment
- Business information can also help your interview preparation and interview confidence
- Information provided and our expert employment advice will help you to tailor your response to job interview questions
- This preparation will help you to identify questions to ask at an interview
- Need help to find employers who could be interested in your qualifications and experience
- Need help to conduct an employer/company search to identify organisations in your country or abroard that can help you achieve your career goals
- Require financial statements and the latest business news to enable you to ask influential questions at interview
- Need advice on who you should approach to discuss opportunities at your target employers?
IIYC promises to find the right potential employers
We can provide the most accurate and up-to-date business information regarding potential employers that is essential for your career success. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and work hard to accommodate your requirements. We provide you with the most relevant and valuable employment advice and information for any major employer by:
- Researching our extensive database that covers employers in Europe, UK, USA/Canada and Asia-Pacific
- Understanding your exact research needs by identifying:
- Employers you wish to work for in your present country or further afield
- Search criteria such as; country, state/area, industry, organisation size, company names, type etc
- Additional information you may need for your research such as business news, business names, directors’ names, financial statements etc
Note: This service is automatically included as part of our job search service or can be purchased separately.
We only deal in success and have the statistics to prove it – contact us to find out just how useful this company search and employment advice service can be for your job search, interview and career success.
Why Use Invest In Your Career?
- Our career experts are fully qualified and have a wealth of experience spanning over 2 decades
- Our success is only measurable by the success we bring to our clients – so we’re fully committed to providing results
- Because we love to help and share our knowledge – and we’re with you every step of the way, right up until you’ve secured that job
Click here to contact IIYC for instant help
Invest In Your Career – professional help from start to success